karaiyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest करैया karaiyaa news and headlines :
पुलिस से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार ग्राम करैया चक निवासी 18 वर्षीय हरिसिंह अपने साथ 50 वर्षीय कलाबाई तथा 52 वर्षीय मोहर बाई को लेकर बाइक से शमशाबाद की ओर जा रहा था bhaskar.com इस मौके पर धूमकेतु को कवि राजा करैया सम्मान प्रदान किया गया bhaskar.com धूमकेतु को कवि राजा करैया सम्मान bhaskar.com पिछले साल 22 जनवरी को ग्राम करैया रोड़ा में हुआ था हत्याकांड सिविल लाइंस थाने के ग्राम रोड़ा करैया में प|ी और बेटी को मौत के घाट उतारने वाले रूप सिंह (42) पिता भाव सिंह रैकवार को जिला एवं सत्र न्यायाधीश रणजीतसिंह ने आजीवन कारावास एवं एक-एक हजार रुपए के अर्थदंड की सजा सुनाई है bhaskar.com 1. Currently, the subject returns to natura natura 2. Each subject requires its own time (fifty minutes, two hours, three hours, etc 3. Early research on the subject in ethnology began by L 4. FIBER FIBER NEUTRAL NEUTRAL In the case of a beam subject to bending, the portion closer to the center of curvature (concave) undergoes compression, the furthest portion (convex) undergoes traction 5. From the death of Alfonso IX (1230), Galicia is closely subject to the Castilian interests, themselves linked to the progress of the Reconquest

Given are the examples of hindi word karaiyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of karaiyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., doer, agent, subject, nominative, worker, cause, actor.

Over a period of time, it has grown into a dynamic subject with its own special characteristics.

Its principles are based on a cause and effect relationship.
The subject of management is taught at different institutions.
After they step out of their door, someone begins the time-consuming process of preparing the worker a fresh, home-cooked lunch.
This, in fact, is the subject matter of the study of individual differences.
ndividual tests require the test administrator to establish a rapport with the subject and be sensitive to her/his feelings, moods and expressions during the testing session.
n this test, the subject examines an incomplete pattern and chooses a figure from the alternatives that will complete the pattern.
The subject is asked to arrange the blocks within a time period to produce a given design.
We must remember that the subject under study has a particular historical context.
Macroeconomics emerged as a separate subject in the 1930s due to Keynes.
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