kaapanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Engraving dotted chisel or etching, where size is replaced by dashes 2. In Bologna, the Carracci worked chisel but with a system of more open lines 3. Metal engraving, where the hollow chisel drawing, would be much more fruitful 4. Misunderstood, he had to finish his series chisel 5. The chisel was the favored instrument of this language

Given are the examples of hindi word kaapanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of kaapanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., reap, amputate, deduct, cut, bite, make out, chisel, withhold, shear, savage, take off, cut up, scythe, slit, lop, cow, pinch, chop off, draw, crop, pare, detach, slash, disconnect, bring in, whittle, section, log, sever, trim, interrupt, tail, mutilate, snip, saw down, to cut, dock, cancel out, withholding, kill, nip, cancel, gather, impale, perforate, prick, spear, pin, punch, prickle.

The palm leaves were cut into pages and tied together to make books.किताब बनाने के लिए ताड़ के पत्तों को काटकर उनके अलग-अलग हिस्सों को एक साथ बाँध दिया जाता था|

Gradually people encouraged animals like sheep, goat, cow and pig to come near the camps where they lived.धीरे-धीरे लोग भेड़, बकरी, गाय और सूअर जैसे जानवरों को अपने घरों के नज़दीक आने को उत्साहित करने लगे|
In many areas, men and women still continued to hunt and gather food, and elsewhere people adopted farming and herding slowly, over several thousand years.कई जगहों पर स्त्री-पुरुष शिकार और भोजन-संग्रह करने का काम करते रहे थे वहीं अन्य लोगों ने हज़ारों सालों के दरम्यान धीरे-धीरे खेती और पशुपालन को अपना लिया|
If that happens, our Parliament and Assemblies would be deprived of the voice of a significant section of our population.
The poorest section of the society might be food insecure most of the times while persons above the poverty line might also be food insecure when the country faces a national disaster/calamity like earthquake, drought, flood, tsunami, widespread failure of crops causing famine, etc.
Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless people with little or no land to depend upon, traditional artisans, providers of traditional services, petty selfemployed workers and destitutes including beggars.
His wife Sunhari is also (part time) working as house cleaner for the livestock, removing and managing cow dung.
The food procured by the FCI is distributed through government regulated ration shops among the poorer section of the society.
Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless or land poor households in rural areas and people employed in ill paid occupations and casual labourers engaged in seasonal activities in the urban areas.
This approach depends on finding a crop variety that can give a good yield.
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