gehya example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The success of the home and children Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen, from 1812 to 1815) was great with the public 2. The wide range of activities open to him many geological areas where its eclectic spirit is strong at home 3. There is no people home 4. These social relationships have their models, highlighted by repetition (for example, a father plays with his children every night coming home from work) 5. This is not one of his lesser fame that this rare home and that security right in the judgment he showed towards his cadets

Given are the examples of hindi word gehya usage in english sentences. The examples of gehya are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., domestic, home, homely, tame, internal, homework, prep, acquisition, riches, capital, wealth, gold.

People attract and then tame animals by leaving food for them near their shelters.लोगों ने अपने घरों के आस-पास चारा रखकर जानवरों को आकिर्षत कर उन्हें पालतू बनाया|

This is a dog. The dog is a domestic animal.यह एक कुत्ता है| कुत्ता एक पालतू जानवर है|
Growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment, etc.
The first dabbawalla picks up the tiffin from home and takes it to the nearest railway station.
By mid-morning, thousands of dabbawallas are bicycling through the streets of Mumbai, ensuring a hot home cooked lunch for their customers.
The dabbawallas rely on low capital and use cycles, wooden carriages and local trains to achieve their target.
Rajat is the interface between his global clients and his domestic technical team.
That makes his job more challenging than that of a manager who functions in a totally domestic environment.
The situationist perspective views human behaviour as resulting from interaction of external and internal factors.
ntrapersonal (awareness of one s own feelings, motives, and desires): This refers to the knowledge of one s internal strengths and limitations and using that knowledge to effectively relate to others.
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