chalaayamaan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of chalaayamaan 1. उपरस्थि एवं चलायमान रूप इस औषधि की मुख्य विशेषता है। 2. अगर तुम लगे रहे, अगर तुमने संकल्‍प के साथ मन को चलायमान नहीं होने दिया। 3. उनकी योग साधना से जिस उर्जा का प्रजनन होता है उसी से यह ब्रह्माण्ड चलायमान है। 4. देखा जाये तो यह संसार चलायमान है। 5. इसी प्रकार मन का ऊपरी भाग भी थोड़ा या अधिक चलायमान बना रहता है। 1. As the appointed time had lasted Yamato (Yamato jidai), the seat of government as the residence of the emperor had remained mobile 2. Balanced because the representation of static motionless, in the mode of the stone, the first figure of death, is not separable from the other, the mobile representation, the steering wheel, the second figure of death 3. Bilateral frontal lesions caused a syndrome recalling the "psychic paralysis of gaze": the gaze remains fixed in the center plane, to follow as mobile point which he then detaches to return to its original position 4. But mobile schism and heresy often add up 5. But very quickly, we realize that his mobile and smiling face, and his bright eyes, "talk", and mass media have no difficulty in imposing the image of a nearby farmer realities, full of goodness, astuteness and wisdom

Given are the examples of hindi word chalaayamaan usage in english sentences. The examples of chalaayamaan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mobile, in motion, vagile, transient, motile.

How does a bullet pierce the target? How does the wind move the blades of a windmill? Objects in motion possess energy.

When the cell is connected to a conducting circuit element, the potential difference sets the charges in motion in the conductor and produces an electric current.
The chemical reaction within the cell generates the potential difference between its two terminals that sets the electrons in motion to flow the current through a resistor or a system of resistors connected to the battery.
Thus, the presence of the pi (?) bond makes alkenes behave as sources of loosely held mobile electrons.
The latest models of digital cameras, mobile phones and televisions made by the leading manufacturers of the world are within our reach.
Telecommunication facilities (telegraph, telephone including mobile phones, fax) are used to contact one another around the world, to access information instantly, and to communicate from remote areas.
Electrons are mobile and, therefore, graphite conducts electricity along the sheet.
Quartz is extensively used as a piezoelectric material; it has made possible to develop extremely accurate clocks, modern radio and television broadcasting and mobile radio communications.
Some of your friends come to you with a letter of protest against a rule that has been recently announced, i.e. banning use of mobile phones in the school.
They distrusted mobile craftsmen and traders who hawked their goods in villages, and pastoralists who changed their places of residence every season, moving in search of good pastures for their herds.
संबंधित शब्द चलायमान के पर्यायवाची चलायमान के विपरीत शब्द