jalan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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Usage and Example of jalan 1. पीठ उँQची करके कान पकड़ने से, तीन-चार मिनट मेंं ही टाँगों में जलन होने लगती थी। 2. मुझे क्यों जलन होने लगी। 3. अर्जुन हमारी टीम का सबसे अच्छा खिलाड़ी है और हेलेन उसकी इतनी खातिदारी करती है लेकिन मुझे जलन नहीं होती, इतनी खातिरदारी तो मेहमान की ही की जा सकती है। 4. मारहुं भ्रष्टाचारियन जी की जलन मिटाँय । 5. तब तक, जब तक कि अच्छी तरह जलन कम न हो जाए। 1. The bishop consented and made the Introduction to the Devout Life, which appeared in Lyon in December 1608, which gave the final version in 1619 2. The Greek version is very servile 3. The most famous version is Khwat yn mak (Book of Kings) translated from Pahlavi into Arabic by Ibn al-Muqaffa ' in the eighth century, and remodeled early, especially by historians of the Syrian-Persian communities 4. The only factors specific to Spain to give the Spanish version of European phenomena a special coloring 5. The other version of the female body is Aristotelian

Given are the examples of hindi word jalan usage in english sentences. The examples of jalan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., irritation, burn, jealousy, burning, malice, envy, sensation, fire.

One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavour.

Elecctricity is generated mainly in two ways: by running water which drives hydro turbines to generate hydro electricity; and by burning other fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas to drive turbines to produce thermal power.
It improves the quality of manure and also prevents the loss of trees and manure due to burning of fuel wood and cow dung cakes.
Smoking is known to pollute the air around us, and the burning of plastic or metal articles has disastrous polluting effects on the environment.
For example, burning buses or other public property during a riot is called violence as well as aggression.
The great advantage of CNG is that it can be used directly for burning in homes and factories where it can be supplied through pipes.
Moreover, burning of these fuels is a major cause of air pollution.
Sulphur dioxide causes irritation to the eyes, resulting in tears and redness.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere by respiration, burning of fossil fuels for energy, and by decomposition of limestone during the manufacture of cement.
As you know, deforestation and burning of fossil fuel increases the CO2 level and disturb the balance in the atmosphere.
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