tukadee? example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word tukadee? usage in english sentences. The examples of tukadee? are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., bolt, tribe, community, society, circle, phylum, fold, army, section, contingent, clan, squad, cohort, panel, team, troop, caucus, regiment, member, gang, party, brigade, way, side, blade, interest, force, corps, band, company, group, posse, wave, plague, pack, herd, drove, scrum, horde, huddle, school, shoal, multitude, nest, goal, home, rotund, circular, round, ball shaped, spherical, batch, combine, rank, part, slice, segment, quota, allotment, share, segmentation, nose, whack, cut, ration, piece, portion, division.

Throughout, people travelled from one part of the subcontinent to another.लोगों ने सदैव उपमहाद्धीप के एक हिस्से से दूसरे हिस्से तक यात्रा की|

The name Bharata was used for a group of people who lived in the northwest, and who are mentioned in the Rigveda.भारत नाम का प्रयोग उत्तर-पश्चिम में रहने वाले लोगों के एक समूह के लिए किया जाता था|
The palm leaves were cut into pages and tied together to make books.किताब बनाने के लिए ताड़ के पत्तों को काटकर उनके अलग-अलग हिस्सों को एक साथ बाँध दिया जाता था|
In train, Tushar had managed to squeeze into the window seat, his nose glued to the glass pane.रेल में तुषार को खिड़की वाली सीट मिल गई, जहाँ से वह बाहर का नज़ारा देखने में मग्न हो गया|
She remembered the food had been so different when she had been to Madhya Pradesh as part of a school trip.खाते-खाते नेइनुओ को पिछले दिनों अपनी स्कूल की तरफ़ से की गई यात्रा के दौरान मध्य प्रदेश में खाए खाने की याद आ गई|
Some of the earliest plants to be domesticated were wheat and barley, the same way earliest domesticated animals include sheep and goat.कृषि के लिए अपनाई गई सबसे प्राचीन फसलों में गेहूँ तथा जौ आते हैं, उसी तरह सबसे पहले पालतू जानवरों में कुत्ते के बाद भेड़-बकरी आते हैं|
Members of a tribe follow occupations such as hunting, gathering, farming, herding and fishing.जनजाति के सदस्य शिकार, भोजन-संग्रह, खेती, पशुपालन और मछली पकड़ने जैसे पेशे अपनाते हैं|
There were no carts — most things would have been carried on the backs of pack animals such as cattle or by people.उस समय तक पहिए वाले वाहन का विकास नहीं हुआ था| लोग सामान खुद या जानवरों की पीठ पर लादकर ले जाया करते थे|
At a time when India had a total of 250 computers, Shiv Nadar led a young team which passionately believed in the growth of the indigenous IT industry.
Yet again when software development was still in the nascent stages, Shiv Nadar took the lead and today HCL is a force to reckon with in the global markets.
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