vijihma example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vijihma usage in english sentences. The examples of vijihma are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., crooked, wily, dodgy, arch, knavish, tortuous, devious, sly, tricksy, tricky, cunning, foxy, prone, loaded, hunched, inclined, askew, obliquely, diagonally, squint, skew, skewed, transversal, edgeways, transverse, italic, cockeyed, cock eyed, edgewise, cross, oblique, bias, lopsided, skew whiff, awry, null, nil, emptiness, zero, love, cipher, hollow, void, nought, o, blank, inane, vacuum, vacuous, vacuity, empty, space , zero, matt, mat, dead, insipid, sad, faint, faded, drab, peaked, sombre, tame, lackluster, bleached, peaky, dull, wan, vapid, lacklustre, somber, poorly, unenlivened, wishy washy, dry, washed out, watery, pallid, flat, delicate, pale.

It was difficult to cross these frontiers, those who wanted could and did scale the mountains and cross the seas.लोगों के लिए इन सीमाओं को पार करना आसान नहीं था, जिन्होंने ऐसा चाहा वे ऐसा कर सके, वे पर्वतों की ऊँचाई को छू सके तथा गहरे समुद्रों को पार कर सके|

While many rivers and lakes are perennial (with water throughout the year) others are seasonal. People living on their banks would have had to go in search of water during the dry seasons.यद्यपि कई नदियों और झीलों का पानी कभी नहीं सूखता, कुछ झीलों और नदियों में पानी बारिश के बाद ही मिल पाता है इसीलिए ऐसी झीलों और नदियों के किनारे बसे लोगों को सूखे मौसम में पानी की तलाश में इधर-उधर जाना पड़ता होगा|
People attract and then tame animals by leaving food for them near their shelters.लोगों ने अपने घरों के आस-पास चारा रखकर जानवरों को आकिर्षत कर उन्हें पालतू बनाया|
People select those plants and animals that are not prone to disease.लोग उन्हीं पौधों तथा जानवरों का चयन करते हैं जिनके बीमार होने की संभावना कम हो|
For a poorly motivated person, we may assess her/his interests and preferences.
A bright child s MA is more than her/his CA; for a dull child, MA is below the CA.
Many intelligence tests show a bias to the culture in which they are developed.
Non-verbal and performance tests help reduce the cultural bias usually associated with verbal tests.
Names of those who move out of a place or those who are dead are deleted.
It was really a sad feeling to sit there and not get anything while everybody else had won something, Ebright said.
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