sushthutaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sushthutaa usage in english sentences. The examples of sushthutaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., welfare, bliss, well being, cause, benevolence, good, advantage, privilege, fortune, success, appresiat, a good job, happiness, beautiful, beauty, good looks, handsomeness.

As stone tools were important, people tried to find places where good quality stone was easily available.चूंकि पत्थर के उपकरण बहुत महत्वपूर्ण थे इसलिए लोग ऐसी जगह ढूँढ़ते रहते थे, जहाँ अच्छे पत्थर मिल सकें|

Is good quality butter available here?क्या यहाँ अच्छा मक्खन मिलता है?
Shiv Nadar, Chairman and CEO, attributes the success of the group to its management team and their entrepreneurial spirit, which together have enabled it to handle rapid changes in environments and technologies, and to transform threats into opportunities.
It helps to provide good quality products and services, creates employment opportunities, adopts new techno-logy for the greater good of the people and leads the path towards growth and development.
A good manager works through a combination of practice, creativity, imagination, initiative and innovation.
Its principles are based on a cause and effect relationship.
Therefore, if an organisation has a good management team that is efficient and effective it automatically serves society by providing good quality products at reasonable prices.
These top level managers are responsible for the welfare and survival of the organisation.
A good manager directs through praise and criticism in such a way that it brings out the best in the employee.
The success of the business lies in the complex yet well coordinated exercise that is carried out on the streets of Mumbai day after day.
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