Meaning of (गज) gaj in english

As noun : bow Ex:  Approximately seven tons were used to make the bow section of the ship's hull. उ:   गज कुम्भ दइय करकि कै, मनु परय विज्जु तरकि कै।
elephant Ex:  The elephant stuck up its trunk and trumpeted . उ:   गज हिन्दू लम्बाई मापन में क्षेत्रफ़ल की इकाई है।
Other : eight elephants of the quarters of the world उ:   द्वितीय एवं छठी शाखा पर गज वर्तमान है। bow ( as of a sarangi उ:   यह लगभग ४०० गज में विस्तृत है। (in chronograms) the number उ:   तथा दोनों गज और ग्राह बन गए। feigned ignorance उ:   गज घंट ठनंकिय भेरि भनंकिय, रंग रनंकिय कोच करी। yardstick Ex:  This is the yardstick for other time scales उ:   कांगड़ा में सहायक नदियां बिनवा न्यूगल, गज और चक्की हैं। yard Ex:  The kids tramped across the yard and wore a path . उ:   हाथी से हजार गज की दुरी रखें।
Suggested : a common unit of linear measure in English-speaking countries, equal to 3 feet or 36 inches, and equivalent to 09144 meter a stick a yard long, commonly marked with subdivisions, used for measuring either of two large, five-toed pachyderms of the family Elephantidae, characterized by a long, prehensile trunk formed of the nose and upper lip, including Loxodonta africana (African elephant) with enormous flapping ears, two fingerlike projections at the end of the trunk, and ivory tusks, and Elephas maximus (Indian elephant) with smaller ears, one projection at the end of the trunk, and ivory tusks almost exclusively in males to bend the knee or body or incline the head, as in reverence, submission, salutation, recognition, or acknowledgment
Exampleगज का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of गज:
1. दलमा गज अभयारण्य में आखिरकार बाघ दिख ही गएlivehindustan.com2. दलमा गज अभयारण्य में बाघ भी पहुंचेlivehindustan.com3. मरने के बाद 2 गज जमीन पाने की जद्दोजहद
(गज) gaj can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : gaja

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