Meaning of (गर्जन) garjan in english

As noun : thunder Ex:  the thunder means snoring उ:   बादल के गर्जन से समूचा वातावरण हिलता प्रतीत होता था।
crack उ:   बाबुलियों के तूफान तथा गर्जन के देवता जिनका दूसरा नाम अदद है। boom Ex:  The economy is in a boom level and is increasing dramatically. उ:   मेघ गर्जन तुल्य गर्जना करते हुए युद्ध के लिये दैत्यराज को ललकारा। roaring Ex:  This torrent rushed roaring through the precipices
As verb : blare Ex:  The blare of an orchestra in the wind
Other : sound of thundering or rumbling bellowing Ex:  Voyez bellowing roar Ex:  The roar of the siren in the fog thunderous sound loud rebuke drum beat Ex:  The drum beat retirement
Suggested : to utter a loud, deep cry or howl, as in excitement, distress, or anger to emit a hollow, loud, animal cry, as a bull or cow to make a deep, prolonged, resonant sound to break without complete separation of parts become fissured a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge
Exampleगर्जन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of गर्जन:
1. मौसम विभाग ने प्रदेश के मध्य पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों आज से गर्जन के साथ भारी बारिश की चेतावनी जारी की है
(गर्जन) garjan can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : garjana

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