Meaning of pair ghasit kar chalana in english

Interpreting pair ghasit kar chalana - पैर घसीट कर चलना
As noun : stomp Ex:  This horse does is stomp
drag slog shamble plod stamp Ex:  Burn a figure on a stamp shuffle tramp stump pad Ex:  split steak, steak that was only half the thickness of ordinary pad and which is used for places where no cars scuff shambling scuffle trudge footslog shuffling
Suggested : to strike or beat with a forcible, downward thrust of the foot shambles, (used with a singular or plural verb)
a slaughterhouse to hit hard, as in boxing or cricket slug to draw with force , effort, or difficulty pull heavily or slowly along haul trail stamp ( defs 1–3 )
Exampleपैर घसीट कर चलना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of pair ghasit kar chalana Antonyms of pair ghasit kar chalana

Word of the day
pair ghasit kar chalana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 16 including consonants matras. Transliteration : paira ghasiiTa kara chalanaa

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