Meaning of (सुखकर) sukhakar in english

As adjective : pleasant Ex:  A pleasant story उ:   ये परिणाम सुखकर एवं दुखकर दोनों ही होते हैं।
comfortable convenient Ex:  A light clothing, warm, convenient
Suggested : suitable or agreeable to the needs or purpose well-suited with respect to facility or ease in use favorable, easy, or comfortable for use (of clothing, furniture, etc) producing or affording physical comfort , support, or ease pleasing , agreeable, or enjoyable giving pleasure
Exampleसुखकर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of सुखकर:
1. शिक्षा संतान और प्रेम पक्ष सुखकर बना रहेगाibnlive.com2. दाम्पत्य सुखकर रहेगाibnlive.com3. पर्सनल लाइफ सुखकर रहेगी
(सुखकर) sukhakar can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : sukhakara

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