Meaning of (विजिह्म) vijihma in english

As noun : wily
arch knavish cunning obliquely Ex:  It will always obliquely everything he does squint skewed transversal edgeways cockeyed cock eyed edgewise cross Ex:  Drawing and Engraving, cross hatches of a design hatched by other bias Ex:  Turn right over, go straight wire, or simply straight wire, cut from a cloth two son without bias null nil emptiness zero Ex:  A one followed by a zero is ten love Ex:  He spoke to her of love cipher hollow Ex:  Paste made from very fine flour, which is in the form of small hollow cylinders, and that seasons in different ways, especially with cheese void nought o Ex:  A one followed by a zero is ten blank vacuum Ex:  All the radiation propagating in the vacuum with vacuity space , zero mat dead Ex:  TERRE aussi Said the Sol Where They interred the dead sad Ex:  It is a sad consolation you give me there faint faded Ex:  British control of that area faded away. drab peaked Ex:  His career peaked between 1992 and 1995 lackluster bleached Ex:  Refined Sugar, Sugar we bleached by refining peaky dull wan vapid lacklustre somber unenlivened wishy washy dry Ex:  A dry response washed out watery pallid flat Ex:  Bottle round, square, flat delicate Ex:  It also means Who is demanding, delicate pale
As verb : crooked loaded Ex:  It also tells of colors that are lightly loaded , which are not strong hunched inclined Ex:  of both genders who is naturally inclined to seek the company, which is to live in society skew tame
As adjective : dodgy tortuous devious sly tricksy tricky foxy prone Ex:  This country is prone to floods, earthquakes transverse italic oblique Ex:  In terms of carpentry, Flooring Hungarian stitch, Flooring whose blades are arranged in oblique rows lopsided inane vacuous empty Ex:  To this case, the battalion was very ill and remained almost empty frames matt insipid sombre
As adverb : askew diagonally skew whiff awry poorly Ex:  The early Red Army was egalitarian and therefore poorly disciplined.
Suggested : full of twists, turns, or bends twisting, winding, or crooked like or befitting a knave untrustworthy dishonest Architecture
a curved masonry construction for spanning an opening, consisting of a number of wedgelike stones, bricks, or the like, set with the narrower side toward the opening in such a way that forces on the arch are transmitted as vertical or oblique stresses on either side of the opening inclined to dodge not straight bending curved
Exampleविजिह्म का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(विजिह्म) vijihma can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vijihma

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