aay, ay meaning in english

आय का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : आय

Transliteration : aaya

Other spellings : aay, ay
As noun :

Identical words :

As noun :
aayatan ( आयतन ) - abodeaayas ( आयस ) - ironaayaagaman ( आयागमन ) - coming and goingaayaabandhan ( आयाबंधन ) - movementaayaas ( आयास ) - exertionaayuksh ( आयुक्ष ) - the span of a person's life
As adjective :
aayat ( आयत ) - readyaayit ( आयित ) - ready
aayani ( आयणी ) - desireaayati ( आयती ) - readinessaayana ( आयना ) - mirroraaya ( आया ) - type of official See Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, III, 38, 1 20aayaabaaya ( आयाबाया ) - women- folkaayisa ( आयिसा ) - motheraayurvoli ( आयुर्वोळी ) - the life line on the palm of the hand
Marathi to English