bha, bh meaning in english

भा का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : भा

Transliteration : bhaa

Other spellings : bha, bh

Identical words :

As noun :
bhaauupan ( भाउपण ) - being a brotherbhaauuren ( भाउरें ) - illusivebhaaond ( भाओंड ) - close relativebhaakas ( भाकस ) - prison
As adjective :
bhaakhad ( भाखड ) - milch animal that does not give milk
As transitive verb :
bhaakane ( भाकणे ) - to ask for
bhaai ( भाइ ) - brotherbhaauu ( भाउ ) - brotherbhaauujai ( भाउजै ) - elder brother's wifebhaauubij ( भाउबीज ) - the day during the Divāḷī festival when brothers are honoured by their sistersbhaao ( भाओ ) - orbhaak ( भाक ) - promisebhaakari ( भाकरी ) - flat bread make of millet flourbhaaka ( भाका ) - oathbhaak ( भाख ) - term
Marathi to English