bhalat meaning in english

भलत का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : भलत

Transliteration : bhalata

Other spellings : bhalat

Identical words :

As noun :
bhalatesan ( भलतेसण ) - whatever
As adverb :
bhalateuti ( भलतेउती ) - anywherebhalateute ( भलतेउते ) - at randombhalatethen ( भलतेथें ) - anywherebhalatevhalaan ( भलतेधवां ) - at any timebhalatevhala ( भलतेव्हळा ) - at any timebhalatevha ( भलतेव्हा ) - at any time
As adjective :
bhalatais ( भलतैस ) - of any kind
Marathi to English