khur meaning in english

खुर का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : खुर

Transliteration : khura

Other spellings : khur
As noun :

Identical words :

As noun :
khuratal ( खुरतळ ) - the bottom of a hoofkhuraput ( खुरपुट ) - horse's hoofkhurapen ( खुरपें ) - small sickle used for weeding
As adjective :
khurakhodi ( खुरखोडी ) - cow that kicks
As transitive verb :
khurakhurane ( खुरखुरणे ) - to suffer tormentkhurakhodane ( खुरखोडणे ) - to push oneself along on one's buttockskhuradane ( खुरडणे ) - to push oneself along on one's buttockskhuradalane ( खुरदळणे ) - to trample on the ground with hooveskhurapane ( खुरपणे ) - to weed
khurarav ( खुररव ) - being trampled to deathkhura ( खुरा ) - dustkhuraasan ( खुरासन ) - the name of a landkhuri ( खुरी ) - hoof
Marathi to English