pot meaning in english

पोत का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : पोत

Transliteration : pota

Other spellings : pot

Identical words :

As noun :
potukaken ( पोतुक-कें ) - piece of clothpoten ( पोतें ) - sackpoteren ( पोतेरें ) - rag used to clean the floor
As transitive verb :
potane ( पोतणे ) - to smear the ground or a wall with cowdung washpotasane ( पोतसणे ) - to light a lamp
potadi ( पोतडी ) - bagpota ( पोता ) - firepotaas ( पोतास ) - type of camphorpotaudi ( पोतौडी ) - cloth pad
Marathi to English