sank meaning in english

संक का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : संक

Transliteration : sa.nka

Other spellings : sank
As noun :

Identical words :

As noun :
sankarman ( संकर्मण ) - transitionsankalp ( संकल्प ) - intentionsankasht ( संकष्ट ) - difficult situationsanka ( संका ) - side of a door framesankraman ( संक्रमण ) - method of reciting the Vedas
As adverb :
sakandi ( संकदी ) - along with the root
As adjective :
sankalit ( संकळित ) - epitomizedsankirn ( संकीर्ण ) - ' - Ṭīpasankul ( संकुळ ) - occupied
As transitive verb :
sankane ( संकणे ) - to feel shysankalpine ( संकल्पिणे ) - to offersankalane ( संकळणे ) - to collectsankochane ( संकोचणे ) - to shrink
sanki ( संकी ) - conch blowersanket ( संकेत ) - sign
Marathi to English