ubh meaning in english

उभ का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : उभ

Transliteration : ubha

Other spellings : ubh
As adjective :

Identical words :

As noun :
ubhag ( उभग ) - boredomubhad ( उभड ) - splash
As adverb :
ubhayaan ( उभयां ) - standing
As adjective :
ubhauubhaaej ( उभउभाएज ) - bothubhayadarshaya ( उभयदर्शया ) - divine incarnation who has both types of power śakti, para and avaraubhayaavalok ( उभयावलोक ) - divine incarnation who has both types of power śakti, para and avara
As transitive verb :
ubhagane ( उभगणे ) - to become bored or disgustedubhajane ( उभजणे ) - to become bored or disgustedubhadane ( उभडणे ) - to bear fruit abundantlyubhane ( उभणे ) - to raise
ubhada ( उभडा ) - surge of waterubhani ( उभणी ) - structureubhayataatha ( उभयता--था ) - on both sidesubhayashakti ( उभयशक्ती ) - both powers, para and avaraubharaauubhari ( उभराउभरी ) - labour
Marathi to English