vai meaning in english

वै का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : वै

Transliteration : vai

Other spellings : vai
type of grain

Identical words :

As noun :
vaikunth ( वैकुंठ ) - the world of Viṣṇuvaiklavy ( वैक्लव्य ) - misapprehensionvaidarbhamandal ( वैदर्भ-मंडळ ) - the name of a region, Varhāḍa or Vidarbhavaidyakamaantrik ( वैद्यकमांत्रिक ) - charms and spellsvairan ( वैरण ) - grain fed to a grindstone
As adjective :
vaijaaty ( वैजात्य ) - belonging to a different species
vaikaar ( वैकार ) - changevaikhari ( वैखरी ) - the last of the four kinds of speechvaijayanti ( वैजयंती ) - the necklace of Viṣṇuvaijaatyavikho ( वैजात्यविखो ) - enjoyment of a person or thing that is not one's equalvaid ( वैद ) - Ayurvedic doctorvaidarbh ( वैदर्भ ) - the name of a region, Varhāḍa or Vidarbhavaidik ( वैदीक ) - sorcerervaidy ( वैद्य ) - Ayurvedic doctorvairani ( वैरणी ) - fodder
Marathi to English