vishay meaning in english

विषय का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : विषय

Transliteration : viShaya

Other spellings : vishay
object of sensual and mental experience

Identical words :

As noun :
vishayatv ( विषयत्व ) - the power of attraction of an object of enjoyment
As adjective :
vishayabahal ( विषयबहळ ) - full of objects of sensual enjoymentvishayaarthiya ( विषयार्थिया ) - desirous of sensual pleasure
vishayaodhi ( विषयओढी ) - sensual desirevishayanasht ( विषयनष्ट ) - one who has given up sense pleasurevishayavyavastha ( विषयव्यवस्था ) - resolution of doubtsvishaya ( विषया ) - one who enjoys sensual pleasurevishayechal ( विषयेचळ ) - lust
Marathi to English