innm meaning in english

Word: இன்னம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
innm means
1. free from sound or noise, as a place or persons; silent
2. up to a particular time; thus far
3. in an additional case or instance; moreover; besides; furthermore.
4. now; so soon; so early
5. additional or further

Transliteration : iṉṉm Other spellings : innm

Meanings in english :

As adverb :
already Ex: Production levels are already (இன்னம்) higher than in Britain and Germany. moreover
As adjective :
more Ex: It usually has more (இன்னம்) than seven rods.
still Ex: Export permits are still (இன்னம்) required, however. yet be sides in continuation

Meaning of innm in tamil

innum / இன்னும்
inimelum / இனிமேலும்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil