Coffee meaning in hindi - Coffee का मतलब हिंदी में

Coffee meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coffee
As noun : कफ़ी का बीज Ex:  They popularized coffee in Washington State
कफ़ी Ex:  I prefer coffee to tea. कॉफी Ex:  You added too much sugar to my coffee . उ:   कॉफी गहरे रंग का पेय होता है। कोफी Ex:  Mary awoke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee . क़हवा Ex:  I'll have coffee and . भूरा रंग Ex:  Anything else? Bill: Just coffee . हल्का भोजन Ex:  Major exports are coffee
Other : कहवा Ex:  The smell of roasted coffee beans is mouth watering. उ:   अन्त में कहवा अर्थात कश्मीरी चाय के साथ वाजवान पूर्ण होता है। काफी Ex:  After every hour of the seminar there was a coffee break. उ:   यह नगर संतरों के लिये काफी मशहूर है।
Examples Words that rhyme with coffee
Coffee synonyms
perk mud brew cafã© cappuccino espresso caffeine java decaf decoction mocha demitasse ink battery acid cafã© au lait cafã© noir forty weight hot stuff jamocha joe varnish remover
Usage of Coffee in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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