Contagion meaning in hindi - Contagion का मतलब हिंदी में

Contagion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Contagion
As noun : उडनी बीमारी Ex:  A contagion of viral fever spreaded through her family.
उड़नी बीमारी Ex:  An excellent preservative against contagion छूत या उड़नी बीमारी Ex:  By extension, the contagion of laughter छूत से रोग का फैलना Ex:  For contagion छूत Ex:  It also means Infect by the contagion उ:   इसकी छूत कई प्रकार से लग सकती है। छूति Ex:  It also means Who promotes contagion छोत, छोति;पु Ex:  It mainly tells a Chief who, by example and contagion his enthusiasm knows remove its troops संक्रामक रोग Ex:  The contagion of vice, of heresy स्पर्श संचार Ex:  The ravages of the contagion स‌ंस्पर्श Ex:  There is contagion in such countries
Other : संक्रमण Ex:  The contagion of bad morals उ:   यह उनका पहला संक्रमण था। संसर्ग Ex:  The contagion spread several areas of the city उ:   शुष्क या नम वाष्प के संसर्ग में ऊन क्षीण होता जाता है।
Contagion ki paribhasha : soory ka ek raashi se nikalakar doosari raashi men pravesh karana vaata, pittaadi men se do ka ek saath prakop
Examples Words that rhyme with contagion
Contagion synonyms
pollution virus illness contamination pestilence transmission taint poison bane venom plague miasma corruption
Contagion antonyms
purification cleanliness advantage good luck
Usage of Contagion in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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