Cramp meaning in hindi - Cramp का मतलब हिंदी में

Cramp meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cramp
As noun : अपतान Ex:  After writing for two hours,he started to get cramp in his hand.
उंमेठन Ex:  It took him a cramp, he was seized by a cramp while swimming ऐंठन या मरोड की पीडा देना ऐंठन या मरोड़ की पीड़ा देना ऐंठन उ:   ऐंठन से दंड के बलघूर्ण की गणना की जा सकती है। गात्रोदघात जकड़ना या रोकना नियन्त्रण लगाना बट्ट ‡ मरोड़ रुकावट पैदा करना शुषि
Other : संकुचन उ:   पीए का प्रयोग शिराओं के संकुचन के लिये तो किया ही जाता है।
Cramp ki paribhasha : baalakon ka ek prakaar ka rog jisako ganana baalagrah men hoti hai yog men chitt ki samast vuttiyon ko rokana jisamen abhyaas aur vairaagy ki aavashyakata hoti hain gati ka avarodh karana aisi sthiti jisase chal ya badh na sake ek prakaar ka jaharila makad vah sthiti jo rassi ya usi prakaar ki aur lachili chij ko lapetane ya marodne se praapt hoti hai marodne ka bhaav ya kriya
Examples Words that rhyme with cramp
Cramp synonyms
pain twinge stiffness ache convulsion contraction restriction stitch stricture circumscription kink crick obstruction confinement impediment hindrance pang constipation charley horse shooting pain constrain shackle clog hamper clasp clamp grip inhibit thwart stymie handicap object impede encumber limit circumscribe fasten check hamstring bottle up box up coop up
Cramp antonyms
health aid assistance comfort ease freedom help promotion support loosen unlock release liberate let go open unfasten allow encourage forward promote
Usage of Cramp in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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