Demerit meaning in hindi - Demerit का मतलब हिंदी में

Demerit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Demerit
As noun : अउगुण Ex:  At his age, one is able to merit and demerit
अठागुन Ex:  The merit and demerit अठागोरण Ex:  Where is demerit of this action? It has made me a demerit from you अवगुण उ:   इसके लिये बहुत सी विधियाँ हैं जिनकी अपने-अपने गुण और अवगुण हैं। ओगण ओगुण दुर्गुण उ:   आगे चलकर जब उनको थोड़ी समझ आयी तभी वे इस दुर्गुण से मुक्त हो सके।
Examples Words that rhyme with demerit
Demerit synonyms
punishment bad mark loss of credit loss of points mark against one
Usage of Demerit in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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