Aggression example sentences

Some tribal communities are traditionally peace-loving, whereas others see aggression as necessary for survival.Individuals also learn to be aggressive by observing others showing aggression.Among human beings, aggression is largely the result of learning rather than an expression of an inborn tendency.Her/his intention may be only to start the vehicle and, therefore, this act will not be considered a case of aggression.One researcher found that inhaling tobacco smoke can increase the aggression level of individuals.An American psychologist, John Dollard along with his collaborators, conducted research specifically to examine the frustration-aggression theory.Hostile aggression is that which is shown as an expression of anger towards the target, with the intention of harming her/ him, even if the aggressor does not wish to obtain anything from the victim.As expected, frustrated persons did demonstrate more aggression than non-frustrated persons.Aggression could also be indirectly triggered by physiological mechanisms, especially by the activation of certain parts of the brain that play a role in emotional experience.The direction of aggression may be towards the environment, towards oneself, or it may be tuned off in an attempt to gloss over or evade the situation.But the question is : Does merely seeing violence on television make a person aggressive? Or are there other situational factors that actually make a person show aggression? The answer is obtained through information about specific situational factors.Psychologists use the term 'aggression' to refer to any behaviour by one person/ persons that is intended to cause harm to another person/persons.When interacting with people we notice that some of them seem to be 'naturally' more hottempered, and show more aggression than others.For example, burning buses or other public property during a riot is called violence as well as aggression.Some researchers have found that observing violence leads to a greater likelihood of aggression on the part of the observer only if weapons of aggression like a stick, pistol or knife are easily available.

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