Allied example sentences

Many working men and women who wanted changes in the world rallied around liberal and radical groups and parties in the early nineteenth century.Textiles and garments, gems and jewellery, engineering products and chemicals and related products and agricultural and allied products are India's major items of exports.In fact, the availability of a tallied trial balance is the first step in the preparation of financial statements.In Russia, the war was initially popular and people rallied around Tsar Nicholas .Among the commodities of export, whose share has been increasing over the last few years till 2004-05 are agriculture and allied products ( 53 per cent), ores and minerals ( 12 per cent), gems and jewellery (2 75 per cent) and chemical and allied products (2 45 per cent), engineering goods( 3 63 per cent) and petroleum products (8 12 per cent) The commodities imported to India include petroleum and petroleum products (4 87 per cent), pearls and precious stones (2 26 per cent), inorganic chemicals (2 39 per cent), coal, coke and briquettes (9 17 per cent), machinery (1 56 per cent).After them, the people of the towns and villages also rose up in rebellion and rallied around local leaders, zamindars and chiefs who were prepared to establish their authority and figureht the British.Normally a tallied trial balance means that both the debit and the credit entries have been made correctly for each transaction.It also undertakes technical consultancy, testing services on packaging developments, training and educational programmes, promotional award contests, information services and other allied activities.As a result, the fact that the trial balance has tallied does not imply that all entries in the books of original record (journal, cash book, etc.Ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of liberalism.Only those who are members of the Chinese Communist Party or eight smaller parties allied to it were allowed to contest elections held in 2002-0 The government is always formed by the Communist Party.Indian Institute of Packaging ( P): The Indian Institute of Packaging was set up as a national institute jointly by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, and the Indian Packaging industry and allied interests in 196 Its headquarters and principal laboratory is situated at Mumbai and three regional laboratories are located at Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai.A tallied trial balance only proves, to a certain extent, that the posting to the ledger is arithmetically correct.Along the west coast the reserves of the Mumbai High and allied fields are supplemented by finds in the Gulf of Cambay.Many young writers and artists rallied to the Party because it stood for socialism and for change.

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