Anxious example sentences

The government, led by General Jaruzelski, grew anxious and imposed martial law in December 198 Thousands of Solidarity members were put in prison.The Princess was a little anxious at this, and asked her sisters what they thought about it.When we are stressed or anxious, we tend towards rapid and shallow breathing from high in the chest, with frequent sighs.At times, some of you may have felt nervous before an important examination, tense and concerned about your future career or anxious when someone close to you was unwell.Gently but firmly he was escorted by the security staff back home to an anxious and angry mother.They are anxious, moody, touchy, restless and quickly lose control.Anxious, landowners began reducing the area they cultivated and demanded that the imports of crops be stopped.My father-in-law was giving a party and they all wanted me to stay, but I thought you'd be anxious.” Ma Baxter asked anxiously, “You'll not be gone long?” Jody said, “I'll be back before dinner for sure.Dorothea Beale told the school council in 1893-1894: I am most anxious that girls should not over-exert themselves, or become absorbed in athletic rivalries, and therefore we do not play against the other schools.Your parents were not anxious enough to have you learn.Prashant anxiously scanned the motley, battered group.The anxious individual also shows combinations of the following symptoms: rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, fainting, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness, frequent urination and tremors.

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