Conformity example sentences

Would the subject now be more likely to conform, or less likely to do so? When the dissenting or deviating minority size increases, the likelihood of conformity decreases.You start identifying with the group, begin showing conformity, and as a consequence your views become strengthened.In which situation is there likely to be more conformity, the first one where there is something like a correct or an incorrect answer, or the second one where answers can vary widely without any answer being correct or incorrect? You may have guessed right; conformity would be less likely in the second situation.Conformity may also occur because of normative influence, i.e. influence based on a person's desire to be accepted or admired by others.What lessons are to be learned from the results of these experiments on conformity? The main lesson is that the degree of conformity among the group members is determined by many factors which are situation-specific.The pioneering experiments on conformity were carried out by Sherif and Asch.The issue of shares for cash is required to be made in strict conformity with the procedure laid down by law for the same.What would you do in such a situation? What do you think most people of your age would do? If your answer is that you would agree to sign the letter, you have expressed a form of social influence called 'conformity' which means behaving according to the group norm, i.e. the expectations of other group members.They illustrate some of the conditions that determine the extent of conformity, and also methods that may be adopted for the study of conformity in groups.Conformity takes place because of informational influence, i.e. influence that results from accepting evidence rather than reality.The conditions described above show how the features of the situation are important in determining the degree of conformity shown.Less conformity is found under private expression than it is seen under public expression.This kind of rational conformity can be thought of as learning about the world from the actions of others.Conformity is greater when the group is small than when the group is large.The presence of an authority figureure immediately makes this behaviour different from conformity.

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