Consciousness example sentences

It also brought new consciousness among the people of castes that were hitherto treated as inferior and low.Withdrawal refers to physical symptoms that occur when a person stops or cuts down on the use of a psychoactive substance, i.e. a substance that has the ability to change an individual's consciousness, mood and thinking processes.Hence, ratios should be used with due consciousness of their limitations while evaluatory the performance of an organisation and planning the future strategies for its improvement.It involves such a thorough concentration that the meditator becomes unaware of any outside stimulation and reaches a different state of consciousness.The yogic method of meditation consists of a sequence of learned techniques for refocusing of attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness.The basic goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to bring the repressed unconscious materials to consciousness, thereby helping people to live in a more self-aware and integrated manner.There is an increasing consciousness of the fact that such conservation with sustainable use is possible only with the involvement and cooperation of local communities and individuals.In doing so, it visualises the human mind in terms of three levels of consciousness.These and other similar developments created the consciousness among the people that each linguistic community was a separate nation.Sudden temporary alterations of consciousness that blot out painful experiences are a defining characteristic of dissociative disorders.

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