Explanation example sentences

The question arose – would not a country lose all its stock of gold if it imported too much (and had a BoP deficit)? The mercantilist4 explanation was that unless the state intervened, through tariffs or quotas or subsidies, on exports, a country would lose its gold and that was considered one of the worst tragedies.Why do we like people who are similar? Psychologists have given several explanations for this.Explanation of the nature of the Principal Financial Statements prepare by Not-for- Profit enterprises: Not-for-Profit Organisations that maintain accounts based on the double-entry system of accounting, generally prepare three principal statements to fulfil their information needs.Though data pertaining to these terms are provided, these would need further explanation.This explanation was given by Zajonc (this name is pronounced to rhyme with 'science').Specifically, the models attempt to provide theoretical explanation to questions such as what causes periods of slow growth or recessions in the economy, or increment in the price level, or a rise in unemployment.Explanations of such conflicts can be at the structural, group, and individual levels.Another explanation given by psychologists is that when we meet similar people, they reinforce and validate our opinions and values, we feel we are right and thus we start liking them.One explanation is that people prefer consistency and like relationships that are consistent.Why do people follow group norms, when the only 'punishment' they may face if they do not, is the displeasure of the group, or being perceived as 'different'? Why do people conform even when they know that the norm itself is not desirable? It seems that the tendency to follow a norm is natural, and does not need any special explanation.You have already read about it in Chapter In the Middle Ages, demonology and superstition gained renewed importance in the explanation of abnormal behaviour.“Someone gave them to me,” he says in the manner of an explanation.There are several psychological models which provide a psychological explanation of mental disorders.In addition to these models, one of the most widely accepted explanations of abnormal behaviour has been provided by the diathesis-stress model.Indrani, obviously uneasy, offered the explanation: “I have arranged a yajna and called priests to bless you.

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