Finery example sentences

The output of the refinery is the amount of oil it refines.For example, let us suppose there is an oil refinery which refines crude petroleum and sells it in the market.The industries located in and around Agra like rubber processing, automobile, chemicals and especially the Mathura oil refinery, have been responsible for producing pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.We can estimate the value added of the refinery by deducting the value of intermediate goods used by the refinery (crude oil in this case) from the value of its output.Suspended particulate matter, such as the soot particles emitted by Mathura oil refinery, has contributed towards yellowing of the marble.Such harmful effects that the refinery is inflicting on others, for which it does not have to bear any cost, are called externalities.Mathura refinery has already taken suitable measures to check the emission of toxic gases.The value added of the refinery will be counted as part of the GDP of the economy.But in carrying out the production the refinery may also be polluting the nearby river.

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