Friendship example sentences

Cricket matches are organised to establish friendship between nations and cricketers are seen as ambassadors of the country.The novel describes the community life of the Mallas in great detail, their Holi and Kali Puja festivals, boat races, bhatiali songs, their relationships of friendship and animosity with the peasants and the oppression of the upper castes.Their friendship had grown out of their appreciation of each other's virtues.The actual possibility of getting a job depended on existing networks of friendship and kin relations.Ordinary people were also attracted by these stories – which often depicted dramatic situations, and a range of strong emotions – loyalty, friendship, love, valour, anger, etc.Studies have shown that people who are isolated and lack social support, i.e. strong and fulfilling interpersonal relationships in their lives are likely to become more depressed and remain depressed longer than those who have good friendships.

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