Gen example sentences

In general, there is sufficient evidence to show that toxic chemicals in the air, water and soil may lead to harmful effects not only on normal psychological functioning, but may also cause serious mental disorders.The surplus generated in the form of excess of income over expenditure is not distributed amongst the members.Arthur Jensen proposed a hierarchical model of intelligence consisting of abilities operating at two levels, called Level and Level .The Oxford Dictionary explains intelligence as the power of perceiving, learning, understanding, and knowing.The word 'generally' means 'in a general manner', i.e. pertaining to many persons or cases or occasions.On November 18 a special messenger on a scooter from the British Council brought in an urgent telex message for him.The pancreatic juice contains inactive enzymes – trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidases, amylases, lipases and nucleases.In general, the ionic radii of elements exhibit the same trend as the atomic radii.Estrogens produce wide ranging actions such as stimulation of growth and activities of female secondary sex organs, development of growing ovarian follicles, appearance of female secondary sex characters (e.g., high pitch of voice, etc.Clearly, there are many reasons why Pakistan under General Musharraf should not be called a democracy.Generally speaking there are three levels in the hierarchy of an organisation.These changes associated with puberty are because of the secretion of testosterone in males and oestrogen in females.He can also be both unpredictably generous and cruel with his employees.Besides the Capital or General Fund, there may be other funds created for specific purposes or to meet the requirements of the contributors/donors such as building fund, sports fund, etc.There is an urgent need to conserve this valuable resource.

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