Get example sentences

As coal contains mainly carbon, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.You might have seen packets of mushrooms sold in the vegetable market.Today, most of our food such as fruit, vegetables, grain, milk and meat comes from plants that are grown and animals that are reared.आज हमें अपने भोजन का अधिकांश हिस्सा उगाई गई फ़सलों और पाले गए पशुओं से मिलता है|Just as a forest can be defined as the place where trees are the main type of vegetation, grassland can be defined as a region where grasses form the dominant type of plant life.When you are playing throw ball on the beach and the ball falls into the water, what happens? It is fun to watch how the ball gets washed back to the shore by the waves.They maintained that this was wholly within the army's powers if the soldiers would only act together and do as they were advised.Learning can take place by classical conditioning (temporal association in which two events repeatedly occur close together in time), operant conditioning (behaviour is followed by a reward), and social learning (learning by imitating others' behaviour).Let us find out what type of nutrients they need to survive and from where they get them.Modern democracies involve such a large number of people that it is physically impossible for them to sit together and take a collective decision.I wanted to get an idea of the periodical before I spent a considerable sum in postage sending a manuscript to England.Around the same time as the French Revolution, the British colonies in North America declared themselves independent in 177 In the next few years these colonies came together to form the United States of America.For example, sales figureures have to be set, the amount of capital to be raised has to be estimated and the target number of units to be produced should be defined.The grossly miscalculated move resulted in the loss of 56,000 American and more than one million ietnamese lives and created huge budget deficits.To the right of labels Authorised By and Prepared By are List Box controls to get and display the first name of employees.We get to know of his ideas from a vast collection of verses called sakhis and pads said to have been composed by him and sung by wandering bhajan singers.

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