Happiness example sentences

Mill, in fact, suggested that the British should conquer all the territories in India to ensure the enlightenment and happiness of the Indian people.Discrepancy between the real self and ideal self often results in unhappiness and dissatisfaction.The period of harvest is, thus, of great joy and happiness in all parts of India.Unhappiness, discomfort, anxiety, and unrealised potential are seen all over the world.Your academic success, employment achievement, and personal happiness, to a large extent, depend upon your ability to listen effectively.That was the moment her eyes lit up with recognition and her face became suffused with a sudden glow of happiness.But the little Princess burst into tears, for it is very difficult to put the happiness of someone you love before your own, and with her little bird far out of sight she felt, all of a sudden, very lonely.With the coveted award resting on his chest and his eyes glinting with rare happiness he said, “All I would like to say is: Teach your children music, this is Hindustan's richest tradition; even the West is now coming to learn our music.Psychological attributes are involved in very simple phenomena like in time taken to react to a stimulus, i.e. reaction time, and also in highly global concepts like happiness.This attitude system is likely to consist of several 'member' attitudes, such as one's concept of physical and mental health, views about happiness and well-being, and beliefs about how one should achieve health and happiness.

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