Impossible example sentences

Even if the ruling party or the government does not like what the Commission does, it is virtually impossible for it to remove the CEC.In the absence of photosynthesis, life would be impossible on the earth.With so many thousands of goods and services produced, you might think this is an impossible task! Not only would the task be enormous, you might also wonder how we can add up cars and computers and nails and a natural working peasant born in 1879 … there are 6 members in my family, my wife was born in 1881, my son is 16, two daughters 19, all three go to school, my sister is 7 From 1932, heavy taxes have been levied on me that I have found impossible.This was because one man would find it impossible to decide correctly, without help from others, the right time for every action.He looked at him with puckered brow, and it was easy to understand that when he had seen the strange fellow in the uncertain reflection from the furnace he might have made a mistake, but that now, when he stood there in broad daylight, it was impossible to mistake him for an old acquaintance.Analysis is useless without interpretation, and interpretation without analysis is difficult or even impossible.Sitting still through a lesson is impossible for them.It was impossible for him to gather together the hundred pesos, so he was able to send the farmer only a little more than half.For his brief life and an even briefer stay in Madras, Robert Clive seems to have done a lot of moving, besides figurehting some impossible battles in remote corners of India and marrying a maiden in St.Since non-paying users usually cannot be excluded, it becomes difficult or impossible to collect fees for the public good.The combined account is based on the reasoning that allotment without application is impossible while application without allotment is meaningless.This means that the reactions in both the directions should proceed with a decrease in free energy, which seems impossible.Modern democracies involve such a large number of people that it is physically impossible for them to sit together and take a collective decision.Shall we call it in a week's time, here?” A week to plan such an important secret conference of international experts! James thought it an impossible task, but Sir John disagreed, and began to spell out details.

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