Lop example sentences

It was primarily the higher level of technological development of the colonising countries that helped them to exploit resources of other regions and establish their supremacy over the colonies.What does this imply? Rajat Lal is the director of a firm that develops software solutions for the travel industry on a global level.Chapter 5 further develops ideas around gender inequalities in the world of work and describes women's struggles for equality.The other equally important developments are increased foreign investments and overseas production of goods and services.One important reason for this was the development of new forms of communication.On growing up he developed his own ideas about the injustices of caste society.The communities traditionally lop the branches and pluck the leaves, allowing the resource to replenish over time.What is the total production and employment in the three sectors in India? Over the years have there been changes similar to the pattern observed for the developed countries? We shall see in the next section.Developing the skills of psychological testing is important since tests are important tools used for the assessment of individuals for various purposes.Terraces are built on steep slopes to create flat surfaces on which crop are grown.The development of resources depends on technology and level of their feasibility.In the lower course, due to gentle slope, the velocity of the river decreases which results in the formation of riverine islands.The mountain areas with steep slopes have inhospitable terrain.Genital Stage : During this stage, the person attains maturity in psychosexual development.Indian cultural tradition provides us with certain effective mechanisms (e.g., fasting in vrata or roza and nonattachment with worldly things) for developing self-control.

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