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Some experts believe that animals' more acute hearing helps them to hear or feel the earth's vibration.If, at present, the economy sets aside a greater fraction of its output for investment purpose, its capacity to produce more output in the future rises.In India, for example, while West Bengal specialises in jute products; Mumbai and neighbouring areas in Maharashtra are more involved with the production of cotton textiles.Some times two or more such attribute together (called composite key) may constitute such distinct values.Saving per member varies from Rs 25 to Rs 100 or more, depending on the ability of the people to save.Clearly the bond is more attractive than the savings bank account and people will rush to get hold of the bond.The proportion of those who say their trust in political parties is 'not much' or 'not at all' is more than those who have 'some' or 'great' trust.In the case of each institution we ask: What does this institution do? How is this institution connected to other institutions? What makes its functioning more or less democratic? The basic objective here is to understand how all these institutions together carry on the work of government.She adopted a more optimistic view of human life with emphasis on human growth and selfactualisation.However, even after complex neuron networks have come into existence, reflex arcs continue to be more efficient for quick responses.What do advertisements do? How do they attract our attention? Read more to find out.International business can be more profitable than the domestic business.In this example the MNC is not only selling its finished products globally, but more important, the goods and services are produced globally.If the government continues to borrow year after year, it leads to the accumulation of debt and the government has to pay more and more by way of interest.Tolerance means that the person has to use more and more of a substance to get the same effect.

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