Noise example sentences

While the boy was still gazing up the valley one day and imagining that the Great Stone Face returned his gaze, the noise of wheels was heard, and a crowd of people cried.Environmental stresses are aspects of our surroundings that are often unavoidable such as air pollution, crowding, noise, heat of the summer, winter cold, etc.These effects are also reduced if the noise is controllable, or is necessary as a part of the person's occupation.This is because the nature of the task helps the individual to pay full attention to the task, and ignore the noise.In such situations, people adapt, or 'get used' to noise.It may be pointed out that although pollution due to noise, air and water is now here to stay, some practices on the part of the community can go a long way in making our precious environment less polluted and healthier for all of us.Systematic research on the effects of noise on human beings.Noise pollution, too is less because the forest absorbs the noise of the nearby highway.While coming down, they got excited on hearing a sudden sound of birds and some noise from the top branches of the trees.Apart from that, noise has negative effects on mental activity because it reduces concentration.Exposure to noise for a long period of time may lead to hearing loss.The sound rises clearly above the noise of the traffic and the hawkers' cries.When tolerating or switching off the noise is within the control of the person, the number of errors in task performance decreases.Three characteristics of noise have been found to determine its effect on task performance, namely, intensity, predictability, and controllability of noise.Human beings also influence the environment through their behaviour, and some of these effects are demonstrated in stress-producing environmental conditions, such as noise, pollution and crowding.

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