Occasion example sentences

On many occasions, they also represent individual consumers in the consumer courts.The lady of the house must prepare sandwiches on the occasion of her daughter s engagement.The word 'generally' means 'in a general manner', i.e. pertaining to many persons or cases or occasions.That I can be so affected by a few familiar phrases on the bansuri, surprises me at first, for on the previous occasions that I have returned home after a long absence abroad, I have hardly noticed such details, and certainly have not invested them with the significance I now do.But this was one of those rare occasions when he did.The departmental stores, however, do not have uniform pricing policy for all the departments; rather they have to occasionally offer discounts on certain products and varieties to clear their stock.A Russian wedding lasts for two days; some weddings last as long as a week, and the occasion becomes something to remember for years.Remember that ordinary women and men painted as well – on pots, walls, floors, cloth – works of art that have occasionally survived, unlike the miniatures that were carefully preserved in palaces for centuries.Some cells in the adult animals do not appear to exhibit division (e.g., heart cells) and many other cells divide only occasionally, as needed to replace cells that have been lost because of injury or cell death.(He had been lucky to turn the tap the right way; on later occasions he would sometimes screw it up still tighter, chittering with irritation and disappointment at the tap's failure to cooperate.Only once during these occasions they were refused service by one of the hotels.Praising their effort, Suhasini suggested that they keep the silk bedcovers for special occasions like Diwali and Christmas and offer the cotton bedcovers on a regular basis.As usual, my red tabby cat was lying on top of all my papers, purring loudly and occasionally swatting at my pen for entertainment's sake.On another occasion, I knocked a soft drink onto the lap of a sweet little lady sitting beside me.Last month, scientists excitedly reported that new photographs of Mars showed geologic changes that suggest water occasionally flows there the most tantalising sign that Mars is hospitable to life.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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