Parasite example sentences

The infections are also caused by the parasites of the intestine like tape worm, round worm, thread worm, hook worm, pin worm, etc.The internal parasites like worms, affect stomach and intestine while flukes damage the liver.Can ground water get polluted by sewage? How? Water contaminated with sewage may contain bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites which cause diseases like cholera, typhoid and jaundice.Are we and the other animals also parasites for the plants? You should think about it and discuss with your teacher.Poultry fowl suffer from a number of diseases caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites, as well as from nutritional deficiencies.Since it deprives the host of valuable nutrients, it is called a parasite.The external parasites live on the skin and mainly cause skin diseases.The parasites of cattle may be both external parasites and internal parasites.

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