Pipe example sentences

George put on a pipe and spread himself over the easy-chair, and Harris cocked his legs on the table and lit a cigar.When water is allowed to flow through the main pipe under pressure with the help of a pump, it escapes from the rotating nozzles.Pipeline transport network is a new arrival on the transportation map of India.The seeds are filled into the funnel, passed down through two or three pipes having sharp ends.Lead: Drinking water gets contaminated with lead when lead pipes are used for transportation of water.After the tide falls outside the flood gate, the water retained by the floodgate flows back to the sea via a pipe that carries it through a power-generating turbine.The first spell of rain was usually not collected as this would clean the roofs and the pipes.The falling water flows through pipes inside the dam over turbine blades placed at the bottom of the dam.The perpendicular pipes, having rotating nozzles on top, are joined to the main pipeline at regular intervals.In a home or a public building generally one set of pipes brings clean water and another set of pipes takes away wastewater.Rain falling on the rooftops would travel down the pipe and was stored in these underground 'tankas'.Natural gas is a very important fossil fuel because it is easy to transport through pipes.Aluminium and its alloys can be given shapes of pipe, tubes, rods, wires, plates or foils and, therefore, find uses in packing, utensil making, construction, aeroplane and transportation industry.Wells3 in an interview in 1894 referred to 'the interviewing ordeal', but was a fairly frequent interviewee and forty years later found himself interviewing Joseph Stalin Saul Bellow5, who has consented to be interviewed on several occasions, nevertheless once described interviews as being like thumbprints on his windpipe.The side of the bag flew open and everything within — newspaper cuttings and other loose papers, a 14- ounce tin of pipe tobacco, magazines, passport, English money, film —was extravagantly ejected over an area about the size of a tennis court.

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