Reveal example sentences

-Ray diffraction data reveals that benzene is a planar molecule.Studies have revealed that women exposed to life event stresses, who had a close friend, were less likely to be depressed and had lesser medical complications during pregnancy.The Periodic Law revealed important analogies among the 94 naturally occurring elements (neptunium and plutonium like actinium and protoactinium are also found in pitch blende an ore of uranium).Thus, the financial statements may not reveal the true state of affairs and so the ratios will also not give the true picture.The patterns revealed by the smoke show us the directions in which hot and cold air move.The ana-lysis of various definitions and viewpoints on motivation reveals the following features of motivation: Motivation is an internal feeling.I struck it sharply with the side of my fist and the drawer flew open to reveal a shallow space underneath, a secret drawer.A perusal of the this voucher Form reveals that there are two parts: Left and Right separated by a dark vertical line.Investigators revealed that the two employees were deleting orders from the corporate books after processing them, pocketing the revenues, and building their own company from within.After the above activity, would you be very surprised to learn that regions of water scarcity are closely correlated to the regions of acute poverty? A study of rainfall patterns does not reveal the whole truth behind the water availability in various regions in India.A close examination of above definitions reveals that communication is the process of exchange of information between two or more persons to reach common understanding.At the conclusion of the trial, the judge reveals his true identity, and the Nambuthiri repents and reforms his ways.It reveals the number of times interest on long-term debt is covered by the profits available for interest.The census of 1931 revealed that the walled city area was horribly crowded with as many as 90 persons per acre, while New Delhi had only about 3 persons per acre.Surplus or deficit revealed by the Income and Expenditure Account is transferred to capital/general fund.

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