Role example sentences

With respect to the role of environment, studies have reported that as children grow in age, their intelligence level tends to move closer to that of their adoptive parents.The present chapter discusses in detail the meaning and nature of internal trade and explains its different types and the role of chambers of commerce in promoting internal trade.The former means remaining aloof from world affairs whereas non-aligned countries such as India played an active role in mediating between the American and Soviet alliances.Ordinary citizens, pressure groups and movements and the media can play an important role in this.The social composition along with the inability to buy food also plays a role in food insecurity.Therefore, the role of reference groups in attitude formation may also be a case of learning through reward and punishment.Communication plays key role in the success of a manager.MNCs are playing a major role in the globalisation process.Let us understand the basics of communication process and see what role it plays in fostering relationships and personal effectiveness.Thymosins play a major role in the differentiation of Tlymphocytes, which provide cell-mediated immunity.Let us study these abiotic components in detail in order to understand their role in sustaining life on Earth.The chief petroleum producing countries are Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.This has demonstrated that people also can play an important role in the struggle for fair globalisation.Thermal electricity is generated by using coal, petroleum and natural gas.But women novelists did not simply popularise the domestic role of women.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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