Sell example sentences

You have already read in Chapter 5 that empathy is the ability of a counsellor to understand the feelings of another person from her/his perspective.Though Swapna knows that cotton will sell for at least Rs 1,800 per quintal, she doesn't argue further.The biggest advantage of mail-order business from the point of view of consumers is that unnecessary middlemen between the buyers and sellers are eliminated.The baker or bread-seller of those days had a peculiar dress known as the kabai.The volume and period of credit extended depends on factors such as reputation of the purchasing firm, financial position of the seller, volume of purchases, past record of payment and degree of competition in the market.They often have to sell their products in weekly markets and neighbourhood shops that you will read about in the following unit.Mail order houses are the retail outlets that sell their merchandise through mail.Permitting another party in a foreign country to produce and sell goods under your trademarks, patents or copy rights in lieu of some fee is another way of entering into international business.These markets most often sell everything that a household needs ranging from vegetables to clothes to utensils.In these calendars, once again, we see the figureures of gods being used to sell new products.They generally take title of the goods and bear the business risks by purchasing and selling the goods in their own name.Whenever there is a complaint regarding a good or service that had been bought, the seller tries to shift all the responsibility on to the buyer.A counsellor never uses any kind of coercion for obtaining information.Similarly, the government buys cloth from the handloom weaver's cooperatives and sells it through stores known as Co-optex.A counsellor is most often interested in building an understanding of the clients problem by focusing on what understanding the client has of her/his problem and how s/he feels about it.

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