Servo example sentences

Biodiversity is seen as a reservoir of resources to be drawn upon for the manufacture of food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products.They also played an important role in the construction of palaces, big buildings, tanks and reservoirs.These communities have used hundreds of indigenous water saving methods to capture every trickle of water that had fallen on their land; dug small pits and lakes, put in place simple watershed systems, built small earthen dams, constructed dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs, set up rooftop water-collecting units.Watershed management not only increases the production and income of the watershed community, but also mitigates droughts and floods and increases the life of the downstream dam and reservoirs.In areas where canal flow is insufficient or irregular due to inadequate reservoir release, the lift system is more rational.Water for agriculture, industries, generating electricity through reservoirs of dams are the other usages.In this system canals receive water from one or more reservoirs or from rivers.These are small storage reservoirs, which intercept and store the run-off of smaller catchment areas.A dam is a barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment.According to Freud, the unconscious is a reservoir of instinctive or animal drives.“Dam” refers to the reservoir rather than the structure.Some of it seeps into the soil and becomes part of the underground reservoir of fresh-water.Some of the displaced people settled around the reservoir and apart from their meagre farms found a livelihood in fishing.In 1994, the government gave the rights for fishing in the Tawa reservoir to private contractors.By managing to earn a higher wage as well as preserving the fish in the reservoir, the TMS has shown that when people's organisations get their rights to livelihood, they can be good managers.

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