Settle example sentences

Subsequently, the best grazing lands were gradually taken over for white settlement and the Maasai were pushed into a small area in south Kenya and north Tanzania.A large number of Sufis from Central Asia settled in Hindustan from the eleventh century onwards.But unlike India, a large number of 'whites' had settled in South Africa and became the local rulers.Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, the celebrated Sufi saint (see also Chapter 8) who settled there in the twelfth century, attracted devotees from all creeds.They often live in separate settlements on the outskirts of the village and are denied access to the temple, public water facilities etc.Letter of credit is the most appropriate and secure method of payment adopted to settle international transactions.Through the nineteenth century, as the settlers moved into new habitats and new lands, they modified their implements to meet their requirements.At the time that common fields were being enclosed in England at the end of the eighteenth century, settled agriculture had not developed on any extensive scale in the USA.They settled on the Appalachian plateau by the first decade of the eighteenth century, and then moved into the Mississippi valley between 1820 and 1850.During the fourth century the Gupta rulers established political control over north Bengal and began to settle Brahmanas in this area.It retards the process of infiltration of water into the soil after it settles down on the land.Solids like faeces settle at the bottom and are removed with a scraper.By the late sixteenth century, many of them had become settled agriculturists and some even zamindars.They are referred to as 'residual owners' since they receive what is left after all other claims on the company's income and assets have been settled.People from across the frontiers also came into the subcontinent and settled here. These movements of people enriched our cultural traditions.उपमहाद्धीप के बाहर से भी कुछ लोग यहाँ आए और यहीं बस गए| लोगों के इस आवागमन ने हमारी सांस्कृतिक परंपराओं को समृद्ध किया|

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